10 Heart Pounding Thriller Books with twists that make you feel all the emotions

Raise your hand if you like to feel ALL THE EMOTIONS while reading Thrillers? It’s the best feeling to be at the edge of your seat waiting to find out what will happen next and seeing the twists play out on the pages of your books! I love it! Here…

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22 Books Similar To The Hunger Games When you need something Thrilling and Brutal

I will stand firm in the belief that the Hunger Games is a modern day classic. It helped launch the careers of hundreds, if not thousands of YA authors, and captivated millions of readers. The YA genre owes a lot to this series and now readers WANT MORE!!! So here we…

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12 Perfect Book Recommendations for People Who Don’t Like Reading

There is something inherently scary about recommending books to friends who don’t LOVE reading. It feels like the hypothetical future that consists of them possibly enjoying reading, rest’s entirely in your hands, and if you don’t pick the perfect book for them…well, then they’re doomed. I don’t make the rules.…

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12 Thrilling Underrated Fantasy Books You Should Definitely Read

There are so many great hyped Fantasy books that “I absolutely adore” (guess which movie that quote comes from) but I wanted to recommend a few underrated fantasy books for you too. You probably have never heard of these, or maybe saw once but glanced over, but they are all…

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Sexy Book Recommendations to fill your Fairy Smut Needs: 10 Fairy Romance Novels

It is no secret that readers on Bookstagram and Booktok are obsessed with Fairy Smut books. This is simply a fact. There is no Booktok or Bookstagram without fairy smut, one cannot exist without the other. Or so it seems… In order to help you on your quest for more…

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