Mini Book Review: Mr. Darcy Came to Dinner

Mr Darcy Came to Dinner review - Just like Gilmore Girls

Listen, if a book has the words MR. and DARCY in the title, I automatically have to read it. This is just a fact of life. Mr. Darcy Came to Dinner is a reimagining of, you guessed it, Pride and Prejudice. Only this time Mr. Darcy is unexpectedly waylaid by a series of events that requires him to remain at the Bennet’s household for months.

A good deal of the story line follows the same path as the original, but some plot changes are made due to Darcy being with Elizabeth 24/7. It is also adorable to watch him slowly win the hearts of everyone in the Longbourn household!

Is it the best book I have ever read in my entire life? No.

Was it a cute entertaining read that I would recommend to die hard fans of Pride and Prejudice for a fun reimagining of our favorite novel? Yes.

3 Favorite moments to watch out for:

The ending!!!! The last couple of pages and the epilogue had me in total shock. This is probably one of my favorite endings with a Pride and Prejudice retelling, but it also left me with a lot of questions. So when you read it come chat with me!!!

Mr. Darcy and cats. There has never been a better argument to own a cat, this right here is why I have turned myself into a crazy cat lady.

Mr. Darcy with pretty much any other character. I love how his relationships develop with all of the Bennet family members. It’s hilarious, it’s adorable and it’s endearing.

Mr. Darcy Came to Dinner is perfect for fans of:

  • Mr Darcy Came to Dinner Darcys story - Just like gilmore girls
  • Mr Darcy came to dinner books Pride and Prejudicial - Just like Gilmore Girls
  • Mr Malcolms List Mr. Darcy Comes to dinner book - Just like Gilmore Girls
  • Waiting for Tom Hanks - Just like Gilmore Girls

Mr. Darcy’s Story: Personally, this is one of my favorite retellings of Pride and Prejudice. This is basically the book version of the BBC 1995 Pride and Prejudice through the eyes of Mr. Darcy.

Pride and Prejudicial: A fun and creative retelling of Pride and Prejudice where we see Darcy and Elizabeth as lawyers in a court room. I am halfway through the book right now, but I am really loving it so far!

Mr. Malcolm’s List: A very loose retelling of Pride and Prejudice. We get a comical version of the hate to love trope in the Regency Era.

Waiting for Tom Hanks:This is not about Pride and Prejudice or Mr. Darcy, but the light spirted campy feel is similar in both novels. This is a contemporary romance book about a woman trying to find her very own Tom Hanks…in other words, her own perfect rom com boyfriend.

I also need to read Jack Caldwell’s other novels Pemberley Ranch and The Three Colonels because I have heard both are just as hilarious as Mr. Darcy Came to Dinner. Plus the sequel to Three Colonels just came out!

What not to look for with Mr. Darcy Came to Dinner:

If you are in the mood for a stimulating read, where your mind needs to be active while reading, then this is not the right book for you. This book is purely for entertainment and you will need to go into it with that in mind to enjoy it.

Merch to go with the book:

darcy and elizabeth - just like gilmore girls
Darcy and Elizabeth Peg Dolls from Ember and Cole
Mr. Darcy mug - just like Gilmore Girls
Mr. Darcy “You’re My Cup of Tea Mug from Miss Bohemia
Read As if Darcy is Watching - Just like Gilmore Girls
Read as if Darcy is watching tshirt from SjWonderlandz
This was actually made for a Readathon that we hosted over at

Mr. Darcy comes to Dinner felt like a cozy mystery in some ways, and it’s perfect for nights where you want to sit down with a cup of cocoa or tea and read for 20 minutes before snoozing. Hope you enjoy it!

And if you are a super fan of Pride and Prejudice and Mr. Darcy then you might like my blog Ranking 16 Pride and Prejudice Adaptations.
